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World of Technology
World of Technology is a full year (40 week) course where you will explore skills in the engineering design process while gaining practice in team building, technical writing, and presenting ideas. All topics covered will include a hands-on project based applied model/ experiment.
This course can be used as an elective credit, math credit, or science credit.
Click below to look at the units covered.
Units in World of Technology
A- Tools, Resources, and Processes
B- Engineering Design
A- Thermodynamics
B- Fuel Systems
C- Electricity Generation
A- Modeling Approaches
B- Systems Control
C- Information Processing
A- Solar Energy Passive & Active
B- Photovolatics
A- Hydraulics
B- Pneumatics
A- History
B- Information Systems
C- Waste and Environmental Management
D- Agriculture & Food Management
Introduction to World of Technology
A- Tools, Resources, Processes
Design Process
Energy and Power Systems
A- Thermodynamics
Proving or disproving the laws of thermodynamics through a perpetual motion machine
B- Fuel Systems Conversions
C- Electricity Generation
Computer Technology
A- Modeling Approaches
Modeling Tech Lab 2 in sketchup
- Is the layout for TL2 ideal for safe & efficient learning/ workspace?
Modeling a part in Fusion 360
-Complete a FEA on a part to be produced to evaluate a stress test
B- Systems Control
Code an automated production part with the Dobot Robotic Arm
C- Information Processing
Use a variable loop to program the Dobot Robotic arm to be semi autonomous- simulating an advanced manufacturing process
Exploring Energy Technology
A- Solar energy passive and active
Solar parabolic reflector cooker
Fresnel lens "Solar dooms day device" aka rapid marshmallow cooker
Passively heated (and cooled) home
Digitally modeled and simulated home
B- Photovolatics
Designing/ Coding/ Building/ Wiring a sun tracking solar panel
Technology Systems
A- Hydraulics
B- Pneumatics
Students will follow a pneumatic diagram to construct a pneumatic air pump. Students will then design the pump to perform a task of their choosing.
Intro to WOT
Energy & Power
Computer Technology
Exploring Energy
Technology Systems
Impacts of Technology
A- History of Technology
B- Information Systems
Connecting to people in the digital world. QR code exploration
C- Waste and Environmental Management
Wind Technology and Wind turbine development
D- Agriculture & Food Management
Creating a self sustaining ecosystem
Medical Technology
Incorporating new technological processes in the medical industry
Impacts of Technology
Medical Technology
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